When is a Personal Injury Considered Catastrophic?

At Charles J. Argento, our Houston personal injury lawyer knows that when our clients are hurt because of another party’s negligence, the incident can feel catastrophic in several ways. Missing work because of a crash can change more than just a week of your life. It can change the trajectory

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Commercial Truck Driver Inexperience is Endangering Houston Residents

Our Houston personal injury lawyer at Charles J. Argento sees large commercial trucks traveling through our Texas residential neighborhoods and inside the city delivering to restaurants, bars, and retail locations every day. In fact, it is difficult to travel through Harris County without encountering Amazon, UPS, FedEx, and other large delivery vehicles that

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Common Ways a Texas Personal Injury Attorney Can Help Pursue Results for Your Claim

At Charles J. Argento, our Houston personal injury lawyer represents clients throughout Texas who have been hurt or lost a loved one to negligence. Whether it was a car accident, premises liability incident, medical malpractice, or work injury, we know how difficult it is to produce results when you go it alone against corporate

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Aggressive Driving vs. Reckless Driving and How They Impact Your Personal Injury Claim

At Charles J. Argento, our Houston car accident attorney knows that Texas motorists often confuse aggressive driving with reckless driving. While both are dangerous to other drivers, passengers, motorcyclists, and pedestrians, they are not technically the same thing. Aggressive driving, according to the Texas Department of Insurance, is any unsafe behavior performed purposely

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Safety Tips for Traveling in Houston Construction Zones & Who is Liable for Accident?

At Charles J. Argento, our Houston car accident attorney knows that construction on our Texas roadways is a common occurrence. Each year — and some for multiple years — Houston’s highways become home to massive construction projects to make travel safer, reduce flooding, and provide long-term capacity for both passenger and

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The Most Common Signs of Whiplash After a Vehicle Collision

At Charles J. Argento, our Houston car accident attorney knows it is difficult to understand the extent of your injuries immediately after a vehicle collision occurs in Texas. That is why it is so important to seek medical care directly after a crash, so each of your injuries is identified

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