Why Car Accident Witness Statements are Important to Texas Personal Injury Claims

At Charles J. Argento, our Houston car accident attorney knows witness statements are incredibly valuable. This is true for those who make them, as they are helping piece together crash facts for law enforcement officials to determine liability. And for personal injury victims that may rely on witness statements to help build their

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Tips to Promote a Healthy Recovery & Compensation After Suffering a Personal Injury in Texas

At Charles J. Argento, our skilled personal injury attorney in Houston knows that dealing with the aftermath of a car accident, slip and fall incident, or work injury can be overwhelming. The physical, emotional, and financial trauma from Texas personal injuries can impact each of our clients’ lives differently, including limiting their day-to-day

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Why Some Personal Injury Claims Take Longer to Settle Than Others

Personal Injury Claims and How They Work Our law firm does not get paid until we obtain a settlement or verdict for you and will keep you updated during each stage of your case, so you know what to expect as the case moves forward. After being injured in an

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How to Obtain a Copy of a Texas Traffic Crash Report & Annual Rate of Traffic Accidents

Copy of a Texas Traffic Crash Report & Annual Rate of Traffic Accidents Our Houston car accident attorney, Charles J. Argento, knows just how important documentation of a crash is to each of our client’s cases. That is why an integral part of each case begins with obtaining an official crash report.

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Can I Pursue a Texas Motorcycle Accident Injury Claim If I Was Not Wearing a Helmet?

According to the Texas Department of Transportation, motorcyclists who are over the age of 21, have completed a department-approved Motorcycle Operator Training Course, or can provide proof of at least $10,000 in medical insurance coverage are not required to wear a helmet while riding. And while the Centers for Disease Control reports that

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ExxonMobil Accident and Injury Attorneys in Houston, Texas

Early Thursday morning, December 23, 2021, firefighters extinguished a large fire at the Baytown, Texas ExxonMobil oil refinery. Local authorities are calling the fire inside the facility located along the Houston Ship Channel a “major industrial accident.” The refinery can process up to 584,000 barrels of crude oil each day.

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