Legal Recourse for Victims of Rideshare Accidents in Texas

Our Houston car accident attorney, at  Charles J. Argento & Associates, knows filing personal injury claims involving Uber, Lyft, or other rideshare companies in Texas can be complex due to the unique nature of rideshare services and the interplay of different insurance policies. Several factors contribute to these complexities, including determining liability, navigating the

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How to Prove Fault in Texas Pedestrian Accident Cases

At Charles J. Argento & Associates, our Houston personal injury lawyer knows that establishing liability in pedestrian accidents in Texas involves thoroughly examining the incident’s circumstances and focusing on determining who was at fault. The process typically includes gathering evidence, understanding the relevant traffic laws, and utilizing witness testimony to build a strong case.

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Why Houston Highway Accidents Are Often Catastrophic

Charles J. Argento, our Houston car accident attorney, understands the dangers associated with our city’s complex highway system, and so does anyone who travels the multi-lane Texas interstates daily. The complexity of numerous interchanges, overpasses, and exits can lead to driver confusion and mistakes. When highway accidents occur, they often

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Are Broken Bones & Fractures Cause for Filing Texas Personal Injury Claims?

Charles J. Argento, our Houston personal injury attorney understands that many Texas residents are unsure about “how hurt” they have to be to file a personal injury claim, which can lead to many people paying for their accident injuries out of pocket. The reality is that personal injury claims in

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The Impact of Permanent Injuries on Quality of Life

Our Houston personal injury attorney, Charles J. Argento, has represented individuals and families throughout Texas for over three decades. He understands the unique and complex needs of clients who have suffered permanent injuries caused by negligence through years of experience and specialized knowledge. Our law firm recognizes the profound physical,

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My Loved One Was Killed in a Texas Crash: What Can I Do to Seek Justice?

At Charles J. Argento, our Houston car accident attorney knows losing a loved one in a crash caused by negligence in Texas is devastating on multiple levels, profoundly impacting the emotional, financial, and social fabric of families. The suddenness and unexpected nature of such losses can lead to profound grief

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