Court Fines High Chair Maker for Hiding Dangerous Defects

Phil & Teds USA, a leading child product manufacture in the United States, was recently slapped with a $3.5 million fine stemming from charges that the company purposely covered up dangerous defects in one of their popular high chair models. Prior to the settlement, the manufacturer stood accused of failing

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Wrongful Death Lawsuit Filed Against Houston Hospital

A Houston hospital and one of its physicians are at the center of a legal storm after the family of a young man who died in the hospital filed a wrongful death claim in early September. According to the lawsuit, Baldomero Flores went to Doctors Hospital-Tidwell in December 2013 to

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Drunk Driver Car Accident Kills Family OF Four

A 68-year-old man was intoxicated while driving a motor vehicle just outside of Houston, Texas, near Lake Conroe on September 20, 2015.  The man rear ended a car killing a family of four. He was charged with DWI and Involuntary Manslaughter. In Texas there are approximately 2,000 drunk driving car

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Texas Mother Considers Wrongful Death Lawsuit

A 28-year old woman from San Angelo, Texas recently fell approximately 200 feet to her death from a telecommunications tower. She was being tested in her ability to climb the telecommunications tower to determine whether she would be suitable for employment with a tower communications company, Jostens Communications. The woman’s

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House Bill 1692 Signed: Foreigners Unable to File Personal Injury Lawsuits in Texas

On June 16, 2015 the Texas Governor, Greg Abbott, signed House Bill 1692 into law. The Law prevents foreign plaintiffs from filing a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit in the State of Texas that involved incidents that occurred outside the state. This bill stemmed from the Supreme Court’s opinion

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Defective Dresser Kills Young Boy

A popular foreign furniture manufacturer was recently blamed for a two-year-old boy’s death due to a defect in the design of one of its dressers. The manufacturer failed to notify its consumers that the dresser could easily fall over unless it was secured against a wall – and allegedly a

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