Almost 500 Motorcycle Deaths in Texas in 2013

The Texas Department of Transportation (TDOT) has shared some new statistics that may put a damper on anyone wanting to climb onto a motorcycle – especially without a helmet. The government agency reported that there were 495 motorcyclists (including operators and passengers) killed in 2013, with 53% of them not

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Death on a Movie Set Leads to Wrongful Death Claim

This summer, a film set turned into a site of a grisly accident when an unexpected train struck and killed an employee who was working on the set. The accident occurred while the victim and other workers were staging a scene that included a bed across railroad tracks. The parents

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Smartphones Explosions May Lead to Defective Products Claims

High-tech devices are everywhere these days, providing quick access to the Internet and hundreds of apps that keep their users glued to their phones. However, recent reports of smartphones exploding, even when not in use, raise safety concerns and questions about liability for defective products. Texas Teenagers Popular Smartphone Explodes

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What’s Causing Car Accidents in Texas?

Causing car accidents and what Not to Say After a Houston car accident At least one person is killed in a motor vehicle collision every 2 hours and 36 minutes in the state of Texas, according to a Texas Department of Transportation report. This figure is based on car crash

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Overview & Claiming Compensation for Wrongful Death of a Loved One

You’ve likely read in the news about the horrific 6-vehicle accident in June which killed actor and comedian James McNair and critically injured fellow actor and good friend Tracy Morgan on the New Jersey Turnpike. Investigation had shown that a tractor-trailer of a US giant retailer failed to observe the

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18 Wheeler Houston Accident Has Auto Wedged Between Barrier

Driver in Houston needed the Jaws of Life to free him from his vehicle that was trapped between an 18 Wheeler and concrete barrier. The truck accident happened on June 25, 2014, in the early morning hours during the heavy rains that hit the Houston area. The 18 Wheeler, accident

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