What Is the Statute of Limitations on Houston Personal Injury Cases?

All states have imposed legal limits on the amount of time individuals have to file a lawsuit in civil court. Personal injury cases in the State of Texas are a form of civil lawsuits that typically fall under a two-year statute of limitations, with some accidents requiring action in less

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Avoid Traffic Accidents by Knowing the Rules on Interstate 45 in Houston, Texas

At Charles J. Argento, our Houston, Texas car accident attorney has successfully represented clients who have been seriously injured in crashes throughout Harris County with an aggressive approach to pursuing the negligent drivers responsible for our clients’ crashes. While we continue to fight for our clients’ rights and the physical,

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Car Seat, Booster Seat & Seat Belt Laws in Houston, Texas

Seat Belt Laws & About Evidence of Seatbelt Non-Use in Car Accidents The Centers for Disease Control lists that car accidents were responsible for nearly 24,000 deaths throughout the United States last year. Over half the adults and teens who were killed in those crashes were not wearing their seat

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Federal Appellate Court Rejects Expert Report in Texas Product Defect Case

Expert testimony is vital to many product liability cases.  Experts are often necessary to prove to a judge or jury that a product was defective as designed or manufactured, or that a product’s defect actually led to the accident and injury that befell the plaintiff.  A valid and compelling expert

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Top 5 Reasons to Hire a Qualified Houston Personal Injury Lawyer & Three Commonly Awarded Damages

5 Reasons to Hire a Qualified Houston Personal Injury Law Firm If you have been injured in an accident, you are likely considering your best options for moving forward. Approaching a lawsuit on your own is a daunting experience, and there are many reasons why it is more beneficial to

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Multiple Fatal 18-Wheeler Crashes on Texas Freeways

In the last couple of weeks there have been several fatal crashes involving 18-wheeler trucks on Texas highways. These accidents illustrate the dangers posed by large trucks on Texas roadways. While trucking is a necessary industry, large truck accidents are a significant cause of injury, economic damage and death every

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