Got Milk? Higher Milk Hauling Limits Could Increase the Number of Dangerous Trucks on Texas Roads

With every new year comes many new laws affecting Texas residents—some more obviously than others. You may not think a law increasing the amount of milk that trucks can legally carry has much impact on your life; however, this new law could also increase the number of dangerously large trucks

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New Report on Distracted Houston Drivers Released

A local newspaper has recently published an exhaustive report on the problem of distracted driving in the Houston metropolitan area. The report highlights the serious ways that phone use behind the wheel have harmed Houston area residents, and how law enforcement has done little to address the issue, despite the

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Texas Appeals Court Finds Sufficient Causation Between “Toxic Drug” Administered

An appeals court in Harris County recently added to the body of law in favor of malpractice lawsuits for doctors who administer dangerous drugs without the consent of their patients. In this instance, the family of the deceased patient claim that not only did the doctor completely fail to get

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Southeast Texas Water Tower Accident Kills One Worker, Injures Another—Is the Crane to Blame?

Last month, a water tower accident in Porter, Texas (about 30 miles northeast of Houston) killed one worker and injured another when a steel panel being lifted into the air crashed into the open water tank where four workers were inside. The uninjured men were rescued and lowered 150 feet

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Introducing New Safety Features to Large Trucks Could Prevent Tractor-Trailer Crashes

Semi-trucks and tractor-trailers are the largest vehicles that the average driver will find on the road. In fact, these vehicles can weigh upwards of 80,000 pounds when carrying a full load of cargo. Large commercial trucks are thus able to do enormous amounts of damage when involved in accidents with

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Since 2009, Pedestrian Deaths Have Risen Sharply

The number of roadway fatalities has risen steadily across all types of accidents in recent years. However, the rate of fatalities among pedestrians has risen even faster than the fatality rate of any other form of roadway accident. Read on to learn more about the increase in pedestrian accidents, and

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