Wrongful Death

Effective Strategies for Handling Texas Wrongful Death Claims

At Charles J. Argento, our Houston personal injury attorney knows that handling Texas wrongful death claims requires a delicate balance of legal experience, empathy, and strategic advocacy. Understanding the emotional toll that the loss has taken on the surviving family members is the first step in ensuring we are providing the exceptional legal representation they

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How Long Do Eligible Family Members Have to File a Wrongful Death Claim in Texas?

At Charles J. Argento, our Houston wrongful death attorneys know that losing loved ones to negligence, whether it was in a traffic collision, workplace accident, or another reckless incident that could have been prevented, overwhelms Texas families with grief. Unfortunately, their grief is often compounded by the financial losses that come next.

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How Are Wrongful Deaths Occurring & Who is Eligible to File a Wrongful Death Claim in Texas?

At Charles J. Argento, our Houston wrongful death attorney knows that there is nothing common about losing a family member to negligence. However, there are multiple ways our Texas clients lose their loved ones that have similar circumstances. When any of these, or other negligent conditions lead to wrongful death, our Houston

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Texas Appeals Court Finds Sufficient Causation Between “Toxic Drug” Administered

An appeals court in Harris County recently added to the body of law in favor of malpractice lawsuits for doctors who administer dangerous drugs without the consent of their patients. In this instance, the family of the deceased patient claim that not only did the doctor completely fail to get

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Since 2009, Pedestrian Deaths Have Risen Sharply

The number of roadway fatalities has risen steadily across all types of accidents in recent years. However, the rate of fatalities among pedestrians has risen even faster than the fatality rate of any other form of roadway accident. Read on to learn more about the increase in pedestrian accidents, and

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School Driver Causes the Wrongful Death of Five Children

Last month, a man in Chattanooga crashed a school bus, resulting in the wrongful death of 5 school children. This tragedy has resulted in criminal and civil cases being filed against the driver. He is facing five counts of vehicular homicide, reckless driving, and reckless endangerment charges after he had

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