How Long Does a Texas Personal Injury Lawsuit Take to Produce Results?

Our Houston personal injury attorney, Charles J. Argento & Associates, knows there is nothing normal about getting seriously hurt — or losing a loved one — because of another person, party, or company’s negligence.

Accidents with injuries are often devastating, and the financial fallout overwhelming, leaving families throughout the State of Texas reeling from collisions, defective products, medical negligence, and premises liability injuries that create unique challenges for each person.

When injury victims partner with a dedicated personal injury lawyer, their goal is to learn more about their recovery options. As they try to focus their energy on healing, the important questions loom largely over their ability to move forward with confidence.

How am I going to pay for all these medical bills?

What if I can’t go back to work?

And, finally — an extremely important factor — how long is my Texas personal injury claim going to take to produce results?

The answer is, it depends on your unique case.

Our aggressive approach to producing results for our Houston personal injury clients begins with a free consultation to discuss your injuries and moves through the legal process as quickly and effectively as we can push the facts of your case to a successful conclusion.

Our Houston personal injury lawyer will be with you every step of the way — no matter how long it takes.

How Did Your Personal Injury Occur?

Pursuing a personal injury case in Texas begins with a negligent party causing harm to another person.

That can include a car or truck accident caused by a texting, distracted, or drunk driver.

Others suffer injuries from the use of defective products or during medical malpractice cases, where their only goal was to leave the medical facility better off than when they arrived.

If your injury was caused by the negligent or reckless actions or inactions of another, your injury may mark the beginning of a personal injury lawsuit that will unfold in stages.

Understanding the Personal Injury Process and Legal Stages

Your personal injuries will begin the legal process of pursuing financial recovery, which will differ case by case.

Generally speaking, there are five potential legal stages in each case:

  • Complaint 

When our Houston personal injury lawyer accepts a case, we will file a complaint on behalf of our client to officially begin the litigation process.

The complaint is sent to the negligent party, which typically can take anywhere from days to weeks or even months, depending on the level of difficulty involved in tracking down the responsible person or party.

  • Response

The negligent party is afforded time to respond to the complaint, which is outlined to include the required timeframe for the response, which is typically one month.

  • Discovery

Discovery allows our personal injury attorney in Houston to analyze the complete case evidence, which will differ depending on the type of accident, the involved parties, and their insurance coverage.

Examining evidence and building a strong case takes time, and will be thoroughly executed, which could take months.

  • Negotiations or Jury Trial

Our personal injury lawyer will initially focus on pursuing a fair settlement for each of our client’s cases, so we can achieve the financial recovery they deserve outside of the courtroom.

If we cannot achieve superior results through negotiations, we will proceed to trial to litigate their case before a judge and jury to maximize the results.

Both the negotiation and trial stages can take months or even more than a year to accomplish successfully.

Partner With A Trusted Houston Personal Injury Lawyer Today

No matter how long your Houston personal injury case takes, we will keep you updated on each stage, so you know what to expect as we move forward.

If you have been hurt in an accident that was caused by the negligence of another, contact our Harris County personal injury attorney today. We are available now to conduct your consultation remotely by calling (713) 225-5050 or by contacting us online to discuss your case without delay.


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