Can Video Footage Help Build My Houston Personal Injury Claim?

At Charles J. Argento, our experienced personal injury attorney in Houston provides our clients with the legal guidance and skill they need to build an effective case that allows us to pursue success inside and outside the courtroom.

In doing so, we examine each potential evidentiary element that will allow us to hold the negligent party accountable for their actions or inactions that caused your personal injuries. And like witness statements and police reports, video footage is often a part of the discovery process that allows us to build your case for success.

What Types of Houston Personal Injury Accidents May Benefit from Obtaining Video Footage? 

There is great potential for video footage to be combined with many other evidence resources, including your injuries, medical requirements, witness statements, police reports, expert testimony, that allows our Harris County personal injury law firm to help build each of our client’s unique cases.

At Charles J. Argento & Associates, our legal staff will examine all evidence from the scene of where your personal injury occurred, including those that may have been recorded like car crashes, truck collisions, and premises liability accidents, to name a few.

This type of research and legal diligence is necessary because video footage can provide clear proof — or at the very least, add supporting documentation — that the accident and injuries were caused by negligence.

What Types of Video Footage Can Help Support My Houston Personal Injury Claim?

Since there is no shortage of acts, events, and everyday activities that are being recorded these days, video footage is available in many formats.

Some examples of supporting video footage may include, but is not limited to:

  • Traffic cameras that catch a speeding vehicle running a red light and colliding with our client’s vehicle
  • Private businesses like restaurants, gas stations, banks/ATM footage that recorded hazardous conditions that caused slip and fall injuries
  • Government buildings, parks, and street cameras that capture negligent behavior taking place
  • Vehicle recording devices, other drivers, and Go Pros that capture negligently caused collisions as they occur
  • Video surveillance cameras, doorbell cameras, and cellphone videos that record injuries caused by negligence as they are happening

Video is compelling evidence, especially when it captures the complete accident and/or the circumstances that led to our clients’ injuries occurring. However, there is a small window to identify when and where the footage was taken before the recording device recycles the content and begins rerecording over the evidence.

That is why it is important to contact our Houston personal injury attorney at Charles J. Argento immediately after your accident with injuries occurs, so we can get to work on your case before any evidence is erased or destroyed.

How Can the Houston Personal Injury Attorney, Charles J. Argento, Help Build My Claim? 

After you have been hurt in an accident, your primary concern should be to get the medical care you need to diagnose your complete injuries, so you may begin working on your physical and emotional recovery.

Our resourceful personal injury attorney in Houston will:

  • Discover whether it is possible that a video camera captured the entire incident by exploring the accident scene and locating recording devices
  • Contacting eyewitnesses to learn whether they recorded any of the footage
  • Obtaining the proper permission to access video surveillance of your accident or collision from the necessary source, including obtaining subpoenas for access to the required video documentation when necessary

If you have been hurt in an accident, or have lost a loved one in a tragic collision, contact our experienced Houston personal injury attorney to schedule a free consultation by calling (713) 225-5050 or by contacting us online to discuss your case today. 

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