Do Pre-Existing Conditions Affect Your Texas Personal Injury Claim?

At Charles J. Argento, our Houston personal injury attorney knows that merely mentioning a pre-existing condition — an injury, illness, or other medical condition — can trigger a response from Texas residents because they impact their daily activities. Pre-existing conditions may include anything from high blood pressure that requires daily medication and asthma that

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Injured in a Commercial Vehicle Accident in Texas? Know Your Rights.

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration defines a commercial motor vehicle (CMV) as a self-propelled or towed vehicle used in interstate commerce to transport passengers or property. More specifically, a CMV must have a gross vehicle weight rating of 10,001 pounds or more or be designed to transport more than 15

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Construction Zone Safety Helps Save Lives in Texas

At Charles J. Argento, our Houston auto accident attorney knows that our city is no stranger to roadwork construction zones. This is true for most large Texas cities. The reality is that our state’s infrastructure relies on constant upgrades to thrive. Unfortunately, the year-round roadwork comes at a cost. According to the Texas

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Can I Appeal a Denied Personal Injury Insurance Claim?

At Charles J. Argento, our Houston personal injury lawyer knows that when someone is hurt in an accident caused by negligence in Texas, typically, their first inclination is to get medical help. This is precisely what we would do. Your physical and emotional health and well-being are the priority, whether you have been

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Understanding the Role of Medical Evidence in Texas Personal Injury Claims

At Charles J. Argento, our Houston personal injury attorney knows multiple factors are crucial to the success of each of our client’s cases. In addition to proving a negligent driver, property owner or operator, or corporation was liable for our client’s injuries, we must prove our client was injured, and suffered damages

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How Company Vehicle Accidents and Injuries Differ from Other Texas Crashes

At Charles J. Argento, our Houston auto accident attorney knows there is a seemingly endless number of ways a traffic collision can occur in Texas. This is true because negligent drivers come in all forms, from impaired and speeding to distracted and reckless. There are also multiple types of vehicles, including cars, trucks,

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