Can Video Footage Help Build My Houston Personal Injury Claim?

At Charles J. Argento, our experienced personal injury attorney in Houston provides our clients with the legal guidance and skill they need to build an effective case that allows us to pursue success inside and outside the courtroom. In doing so, we examine each potential evidentiary element that will allow

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The Universal Insurance Company Approach to Injury Claims: Demand. Delay. Devalue.

At Charles J. Argento, our personal injury attorney in Houston understands how much we all count on our insurance coverage to make us whole when something goes wrong. We carry coverage on our homes, our health, our vehicles, and other property just in case something bad happens because it was

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Can I Afford To Hire A Personal Injury Lawyer in Houston, Texas?

Personal injuries can occur during a car or truck accident, medical malpractice, on public, private, or government-owned premises, and even at work when negligence is part of the equation.  When our Harris County residents are injured because of another person or party’s negligent actions — or inactions — they are

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Getting the Most Out of Your Houston Car Accident Settlement & Recovering After an Accident

Our Houston personal injury attorney, Charles J. Argento & Associates, has secured significant car accident settlements for our clients and will continue to seek the maximum financial recovery for each injury victim we represent throughout the State of Texas. Before we can begin fighting for our clients’ rights to pursue

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How Long Does a Texas Personal Injury Lawsuit Take to Produce Results?

Our Houston personal injury attorney, Charles J. Argento & Associates, knows there is nothing normal about getting seriously hurt — or losing a loved one — because of another person, party, or company’s negligence. Accidents with injuries are often devastating, and the financial fallout overwhelming, leaving families throughout the State

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Houston Personal Injury Attorney Representing Clients During Our Stay-At-Home Order

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect the health and well-being of communities across the country, Houston’s Stay-At-Home Order has been extended to April 30, 2020, to help our city do its part in slowing the virus in Texas. While movements have slowed throughout the State, our Houston personal injury

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