How Long Do I Have to Seek Medical Care After Being Injured in a Houston Car Accident?

At Charles J. Argento, our Houston personal injury attorneys know that getting hurt because of a negligent person or party’s actions or inaction can change our clients’ lives.

While our personal injury lawyers in Texas sort through the facts and supporting details that define our clients’ cases, we encourage them to follow their medical treatment plan closely, and to attend all their appointments with their assigned medical professionals — no matter how insignificant they believe the appointment might be.

Here is why this advice is so important.

You Must Seek Medical Care Immediately After a Personal Injury Incident Occurs

When our Houston personal injury lawyers are asked how long a person has to pursue a claim, the technical (and legal) answer is, two years. Texas residents have two years from the date of their personal injury incident to pursue a claim against the negligent party.

However, any delay in pursuing medical care may substantially harm your case’s chances of success, which is why we strongly recommend injury victims seek medical care immediately after their incident occurs.

If you delay treatment, avoid following your doctor’s directions, or skip medical appointments, the negligent party’s insurance company can — and certainly will — accuse you of not being as hurt as your legal claim stated. And in the eyes of the law, they may be right.

The reality is, this may give the at-fault party’s insurance company the leverage they need to undervalue — or even outright deny — your claim.

Do not give them the legal influence they need to place your claim in jeopardy.

If you or someone you love has suffered a personal injury in Texas:

  • Seek medical care immediately.
  • Follow all physician instructions.
  • Attend all medical appointments.
  • Contact our trusted Houston car accident attorneys to help protect your legal rights and your case from the start, so you can focus on getting the physical and emotional help you need to take back control of your life.

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation by calling 713-225-5050 or by contacting us online, so together we can pursue justice for your personal injury.

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