Top 5 Reasons to Hire a Qualified Houston Personal Injury Lawyer & Three Commonly Awarded Damages

5 Reasons to Hire a Qualified Houston Personal Injury Law Firm

If you have been injured in an accident, you are likely considering your best options for moving forward. Approaching a lawsuit on your own is a daunting experience, and there are many reasons why it is more beneficial to retain a qualified personal injury attorney rather than handle the matter by yourself. Below we discuss the top 5 reasons why you should hire a dedicated, experienced, and passionate Texas personal injury lawyer if you’ve been hurt in an accident in the Houston area.

1. Insurance companies do not have your best interests at heart

After an accident, you may be inclined to rely on your insurance company to handle the case for you. There are laws that generally govern how an insurance company must operate following an accident, but the fact remains that an insurance company is out to maximize its own profits and minimize its own expenses and liabilities. You want someone fighting on your behalf, to make sure that your insurance company does not cut corners, and that the other parties’ insurance companies pay you the compensation you deserve.

2. Experience with different types of injuries

A qualified personal injury lawyer knows not only how to bring a lawsuit on your behalf, but also how to evaluate your injuries. Proving your claim requires a deep understanding of and experience with the different types of injuries that can arise in a personal injury claim, including how to identify them, how to document them, and how to ensure that they are compensated for by the parties responsible. car accident injuries can include fractures, breaks, and sprains; fire and chemical burns; traumatic brain injury; loss of functionalities such as sight, smell, and hearing; vertigo; or other long-term conditions such as loss of limb or serious disease. You need a knowledgeable personal injury lawyer who knows what to look for and how to prove damage and causation in a courtroom.

3. Personal injury attorneys know how to establish and maximize damages

An experienced personal injury attorney can help ensure that you maximize your available damages. Your attorney will help you not only identify your injuries but also identify all of your available claims under the applicable laws. You may not know whether certain types of damages, such as emotional distress or pain and suffering, are available in your case and, if so, how to prove them. You may even be eligible to receive punitive damages if the defendant was particularly reckless. A dedicated personal injury attorney will ensure that you pursue all available damages under the law.

4. Proving your case can be complicated and require compliance with strict rules

There are a lot of factors that go into every court case, whether personal injury or otherwise. These include not only collecting evidence from the right sources and at the right times in order to prove very specific elements under the law but also complying with many strict and often confusing court rules. A dedicated Houston personal injury lawyer will make sure that you are not caught up in legal limbo because of the complicated Texas court procedures, and that you are able to prove your case according to the various applicable laws.

5. A dedicated personal injury lawyer keeps track of the little things and avoids mistakes

In a personal injury case, every detail matters. You need someone in your corner who will help you collect and retain all of the documents that may become necessary down the line to prove your claims or your damages. You want an attorney who will meticulously keep track of the details of the case, making sure that you do not miss critical deadlines or omit important facts or arguments that can hamper or ruin your case. It is difficult to keep track of these sorts of details without the experience of a dedicated personal injury attorney, and pursuing a case on your own or with inexperienced counsel can cause important details to slip through the cracks. These details can be critical in proving your claims and maximizing your recovery.

Three Personal Injuries Commonly Awarded Damages

One of the common things that link all personal injury lawsuits together is negligence. Every person and business must show a duty of care to ensure their property, business, and even pets, will not pose a danger to others. There are generally three common situations in which personal injury lawsuits are filed and for which people are entitled to damages:

Slip and Fall

Slip and Fall accidents can often be the fault of poorly maintained property. Whether it is a business or a residence, the owners of all properties must take reasonable precautions to ensure they are maintained to remain safe.

Often issues are not noticeable at first glance. However crumbled pavement, wet floors or even poor lighting can all contribute to a slip and fall injury. A property or business owner is legally obliged to keep their properties hazard-free. As well, they must take care of issues within a reasonable time when dangers appear on their property.

Workplace Injuries

A common misconception about workplace injuries is that if they are covered by Workman’s Compensation you would not be entitled to further damages. However, companies that allow their employees to work in dangerous conditions can be liable for issues such as poorly maintained work areas, allowing exposure to dangerous substances, and allowing other dangers such as broken machinery to remain in operation.

Dog Attacks

There are laws in place directing dog owners on safe handling to ensure people and other dogs are safe in their presence. When a dog bite or attack occurs, it is well within your rights to seek damages to cover your medical bills, lost wages, disfigurement as a result of injuries, and pain and suffering.

Poorly trained and even vicious dogs can be prone to bite or attack without provocation. These attacks can lead to serious injuries which can negatively affect your life, your mental state and your potential for earnings while you recover. In fact, you can even seek damages should your own dog, or other pets, be injured by a dog.

Speak with an Experienced Houston Personal Injury Attorney

If you or a loved one has been injured as a result of someone else’s negligence in the Houston area, please contact Houston, Texas personal injury attorney Charles J. Argento & Associates. During a free initial consultation, we will evaluate your potential personal injury claims, as well as your options for obtaining fair compensation for your injuries and damages. As your Houston personal injury lawyer, Mr. Argento accepts no legal fees until we recover on your behalf.

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