Dangerous Product

Federal Appellate Court Rejects Expert Report in Texas Product Defect Case

Expert testimony is vital to many product liability cases.  Experts are often necessary to prove to a judge or jury that a product was defective as designed or manufactured, or that a product’s defect actually led to the accident and injury that befell the plaintiff.  A valid and compelling expert

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Smartphones Explosions May Lead to Defective Products Claims

High-tech devices are everywhere these days, providing quick access to the Internet and hundreds of apps that keep their users glued to their phones. However, recent reports of smartphones exploding, even when not in use, raise safety concerns and questions about liability for defective products. Texas Teenagers Popular Smartphone Explodes

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Proving a Defective Product Claim May Be More Difficult Than You Think

Recent news stories about faulty ignition switches and ‘sticky’ accelerator pedals in vehicles that resulted in personal injury or even death have consumers more wary than ever when it comes to defective products. Every day across this nation there are defective products on the market, some of which have been

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